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Wordpress Change Site Url and Now I Can't Login Updated FREE

Wordpress Change Site Url and Now I Can't Login

If you've tried to edit your WordPress blog setting page under the "Full general Setting", and now you can't access your WordPress admin later on irresolute the URL, by adding or deleting the"www" , and then, this is a natural error, and we'll solve it in one minute. But, why practise y'all get that fault, and why can't y'all login to the WordPress dashboard?

Locked out of the WordPress admin area?

First of all, you're not the only 1 who accidentally inverse the WordPress URL and site accost and then found himself locked out from login again. Almost of the new bloggers will endeavor to edit their weblog settings anywhere, simply the problem is if y'all're not familiar with WordPress configurations, you tin can get some problems when changing things the incorrect mode.

And so, make sure the side by side fourth dimension to inquire, or search for settings that y'all want to edit, and you lot're non sure virtually them. That volition save you time and avert bug.

The problem with calculation or deleting the www in your site URL, and WordPress address is that the file wp-config.php located in your WordPress root directory volition see your new settings equally a new domain name that it can't piece of work with. So, you can't log in to your WordPress dashboard and you lot'll be locked out of signing in once more.


When you alter the blog URL and homepage URL in WordPress, never add a slash "/" at the end, That volition break the site, and you did, and so, remove the slash and the site will work once more.

Fixing the WordPress URL in the wp-config file

Here is how yous tin recover WordPress afterwards a URL address change in the Settings area, you take to apply any of the post-obit solutions and each method works differently, only messed up WordPress URL should work this time.

  1. Change back your WordPress URL from the database
  2. Update the blog homepage and URL using FTP

Now, the solution with the WordPress configuration file is elementary, all y'all have to do is to add the following code at the terminate of yourwp-config.php file.

ascertain('WP_HOME','http://world wide');
ascertain('WP_SITEURL','http://world wide');

Of course, y'all should change "yourdomain" with your own domain name. To make things even more unproblematic, let'southward add together that code together in a step by step tutorial and let you access the WordPress admin area once again. Delight refer to step 2 beneath for steps with a screenshot of how to find the WordPress configuration file and add together that lawmaking to it.

1. Fixing the blog URL in the database

Before starting, make sure you create a fill-in of your database even if the site is broken and you tin't access the admin area. There are many times when users want to mess with the database tables, and end up with a completely cleaved site and not just a problem of logging.

If you don't know how to practice that, it will be better to contact your web hosting customer support and tell them well-nigh the problems, and they'll create a backup for you and fifty-fifty change the URL in seconds.

Now, if you know what you're doing, and you prefer the practise it yourself method, yous can starting time by logging into cPanel or its equivalent when you tin can access the database using PHPMyAdmin. Look for that and click on it.

PHPMyAdmin access

Now, you'll be logged in automatically every bit most cPanel configurations in modern spider web hosts do that. What you need now is thewp-options table, yous'll find dozens of tables or more than in the database, but only that one is responsible for the site name and homepage accost, so, click on it.

wp-options table

Next, you'll observe your site URL and dwelling house accost, each one has a dedicated table in the database, so, you can click on Edit from the left area of the table name to alter it.

Finding site URL and home address tables in the database

All you have to practise now is change your site URL with the onetime one and do the same for the dwelling house URL, then, click on the Go button to save the changes.

site URL changed

The beginning thing that you need to do is to log in to your cPanel account if yous never did that in the past, your web hosting provider should send you the welcome email with all your login details. And then, if there are no credentials you saved, await for them in your e-mail and check the first e-mail y'all received from the web hosting provider.

Using any WordPress hosting plans for 1 calendar month should make things improve for bloggers, that's considering they can attempt the services before buying the yearly hosting package. Thus, it gives anybody an idea about the customer back up quality of the provider and if it's worth it or not.

Notation: WordPress Address URL is where your admin surface area is located and so, information technology's the place where yous tin can log in to the site. Site URL is the public address that people tin use to admission your site, so it's mainly your homepage. In both cases add the same URL.

ii. Changing the blog URL back using wp-config.php

When you practice, log in to cPanel, and and so, look for a tool called "File Managing director", it's an FTP tool that lets you edit your website files but like FileZilla and others, but this one is faster and easier to use.

cPanel File Manager

When you lot open up the File Director in cPanel, you'll notice a directory chosenpublic_html or the proper name of your site depending on where you installed WordPress.

locating public_html

Now, you have all your blog files, just search for the file wp-config.php and click on "edit file" at the pinnacle of the editor. It'southward not the aforementioned equally wp-config-sample.php  that's the default WordPress configuration file that can exist deleted, just in the screenshot, information technology'southward only an example or installation.

finding the wp-config.php file

All y'all have to do at present is to add the lawmaking at the end of the file and save it. You have to clear your browser enshroud if the trouble persists. Then, reload your folio and you will become access to your WordPress admin dashboard. Y'all volition notice that you can't alter the URL from your "General Setting" folio, and this is normal because you changed information technology directly from the wp-config.php file, it's simpler and safer.

In other cases, yous can modify the URL from your WordPress dashboard, directly, and information technology can be changed another time again. Things become easier with the latest WordPress versions, but please recall to make a fill-in earlier doing anything in your blog settings, especially, if you're a newbie.

That can crusade problems and it's not easy to find solutions for every specific mistake online. The WordPress forum is a great identify to ask questions and find solutions, but, yous can become a response instantly and you will never go a reply in other cases.

People there are volunteers, and not all of them are really helpful as you expect. Then, make things easy for y'all, and never alter your URL if you're non sure about your settings.

If you really care about your website, you should verify that you tin access your blog files through FTP like Filezilla. Likewise, make sure that you tin can login and edit your files direct from your cPanel account. If ane method is not working for y'all, y'all notwithstanding have access to your WordPress files and brand the changes or correct things.

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Wordpress Change Site Url and Now I Can't Login



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